
High Risk blogger is probably under arrest

There are only four Republican pro Iraq Liberation people left here. We are greatly outnumbered but we fight on. Last night we were able to place American flags on one protestor BMW and then watched while a crowd of Frisco Anti War patriots trashed the car as is the usual practice when American flags are found on cars here. They are now aware of us again but we are under cover. The car owner sobbed uncontrollably about people urinating on his great paint job and deficating on his collection of priceless McGovern posters. CNN and a BBC guy showed up to film the "atrocity". He is blaming George Bush.

I'm beginning to think my girl friend suspects my Republican leanings and could report me. I do have this weakness for totally unmoral liberal women, a weakness I am trying to control. Tonight we are going to clean up the feces left at the Veterans Memorial by the protestors and illegally place them in garbage containers. If we get arrested we know our fate. We will persevere.

We got away with it and the papers are outraged. Today we plan to go out in public and read the National Review in full view of Democratic HQ. If a riot starts you will know the cause.

Jack was arrested for reading National Review at Democratic HQ. The charge is "Public Indecency". We don't know if we will ever see him again. Tomorrow we plan to go into a radio station pretending to be pro-Saddam liberals and once on the air start singing "God Bless America". Singing that song without a permit may become a capital offense here. The "Horst Wessel" song (the old Nazi war hymn that has been banned world wide) has been legalized here because of pressure from the Berkeley academic community. Have to admit that it's kind of catchy.

A big surprise. We started to sing at the station and the women there started to sob hysterically. Three of them called the SFPD and screamed rape. We left the station but are now wanted men. My girl friend packed up and left claiming she had no friends left with whom she could drink Latte. She is also pissed off that I am not gay or at least not as gay as she thought. That's because I told her brother he couldn't blow me without an AIDS test.

This may be my last post for a while. We are going to plant copies of The Weekly Standard in the children's section of three Public Libraries. This morning several kids were spotted wearing little American Flags on their shirts outside of a school. We are being blamed for contributing to the delinquency of minors. Our pictures appear on all TV stations. They are trying to get us featured on "America's Most Wanted". We could be doomed.

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