

Guest lecturers will include men of the cloth (you know who they are), university presidents and professors, (some surprise guests here), and representatives from civil rights organizations like JOE (Jews Own Everything), BAD (Blacks Against the Devil), and HIRK (Hispanic Intellectuals Ready to Kill). Learn what the problem really is: JEWS.


1. "Jews Lend Money and Want to be Repaid"; this vicious practice exposed for the first time by Jose deLa Cruz, Ph.D., hear how he was lured into borrowing millions by international Jewry, who then demanded he make payments. He is now destitute and will accept cash donations.

2, Jews Eat Shit; taught by the Reverend Kwaljaki Zebranolk Moore from the Christ is Risen Church of the Downtrodden in Beverly Hills California. Kosher isn't what you think. To Jewish women cooking is sex.

3. "The Truth about the So-Called Holocaust" taught by Hans and Abdul von Khalid. How a miracle weight loss program has been used to smear Germany and France.

4. "The Truth About Democracy and Israel" taught by Robert Mugabe, the grand old man of African Politics; if he gets killed or jailed the course will be taught through international TV hookup by the legendary Idi Amin. Learn how this now discredited form of government has caused trouble wherever it has appeared. The U.S. and Britain led Israel to adopt this alien form of government in the middle of the desert. Millions of Arabs have died because some of them wanted this democracy. Wanted to kick out their leaders and replace them with scum from the streets. You can't count the number of people who have died trying to promote this sinister system within countries like China, Cambodia, Syria, and Iran, and many more millions will die. Israel is guilty of genocide by promoting this vicious, unholy, and criminal philosophy. Iraq, Syria, Iran, and a hundred other countries have rejected this evil Satan as espoused by Israel. Voting is a sin against God. Israel is a sin against God.

5. "Jews become Judges, Lawyers, Accountants, and Doctors so they can Control Everything"; learn how these people actually go to school instead of playing basketball, many starting as young as five or six years old, where they study and pass tests so they can take over. Taught by Homeless Advocate Tim Duncan who, with only a seventh grade education, performed brain surgery on his mother, and then defended himself against charges of practicing medicine without a license AND murder in a court of law and WON. Degrees are unnecessary and a creation of the Jews designed to keep everyone else out.

Additionally there will be singing and dancing, group sex, unbridled drug use, a rare appearance by Allah, and hot dogs. Learn and Have Fun.