
Porn Star Lickey Poo Poo Speaks out against the war and pays the price.

The Screen Actors Guild warns of McCarthyism and blacklisting if stars against war aren't hired, and their warnings may not be so wrong. The disgraceful practice of blacklisting has spread to other parts of the entertainment business. Porn actress and activist Licky Poo Poo has been apparently blacklisted by porn producers for her anti-war statements, joining luminaries in Hollywood like Martin Sheen, Woody Harrelson, and others. The actress, who was fleeing a police dragnet for an unrelated incident, agreed to be interviewed in a safe house somewhere in Southern California on the condition that the interview would not be released for twelve hours. Below is the interview including the bombshell accusation of rampant blacklisting in the Porn Biz.

Q: So you haven't worked since.....

LICKY: .....since I said George Bush was a piece of shit who should get fucked in the ass by an elephant, raped babies, and should be killed. I mean that douche bag slut Anus Bondaje calls for carpet bombing of fucking Paris and the nuking of Germany and she's had more work than that pig Jennifer Aniston. This is fucking McArthurism. I went to the Screen Actors Guild and they hid from me.

Q: Well, you aren't exactly a well known actress. The only picture I saw you in was "Shit Eating Crack Whores in The Vatican". What else have you done?

LICKY: I was fucking set for life. I was scheduled to do seven feature films over the next two days when, whammo....

Q: .....what seven pictures were....

LICKY;....everyone wanted me. What? What pictures? "Diarrhea Darlings", "Puppy Doo Doo Carnivores", I was even set to do some sex scenes with a famous serial killer for FOX...

Q:....and what you're saying is all this future work went down the drain because of your activism against the administration and the war?

LICKY: You're God Dam right.

Q: And the fact that you're wanted for attempted murder of your lover has nothing to do with it?

LICKY: Hey, that's show biz. That's my image. Makes me even more desirable. Sex with me is dangerous. I eat your shit and then attack you. I was the next Tracy Lords until I took a stand.

So there you have it. Unmistakable evidence of McCarthyism running rampant in tinsel town. Right Wing fanatics going after every liberal they can find. Time to take a stand everyone. Freedom is at stake. It is now a matter of record that Ms. Poo Poo was caught and arrested when attempting to pull a woman off of a toilet in a public rest room at a McDonalds in Los Angeles. She claims she was practicing for her next role in "Toilet Sweeties" when caught. She faces an uncertain future. Liberal anti-war groups could not be contacted for this story